Forum for a Better Hyderabad takes very seriously issues of soil, water and air pollution. It has continually striven for the improvement of the quality of water bodies in the city and the safe management of solid waste to preserve the condition of the soil.


Environmental pollution is defined as “the contamination of the physical and biological components of the earth or atmospheric systems to such an extent that normal environmental processes are adversely affected.” Environmental pollution is a global crisis, is common to both developed as well as developing countries such as India and presents the threat of persistent long-term consequences. 

The decline in environmental quality as a result of pollution is evidenced by a decline in agricultural yield, a loss of biological diversity and excessive amounts of toxic and recalcitrant contaminants in the atmosphere, water reservoirs and in food supplies. It is commonly agreed that pollution is the outcome of industrial and technological activities, and the exploitation of natural resources. Pollution becomes problematic when the use or contamination of natural reosurces occurs at a higher rate than nature’s capacity to restore itself. 

In Hyderabad, this practice is all too common. Lakes are contaminated with industrial effluents and domestic sewage, among other things. Air is polluted by vehicular and industrial emissions. Soil, similarly, is contaminated by leachates in municipal wastes and other toxic substances. To Hyderabad, pollution should be  a matter of grave concern. 

Why does Forum's work matter?

Environmental Pollution, a significant contributor to climate change, is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Pollution, in addition to posing risks to the quality of human life, can also have serious and life-threatening impacts on marine biodiversity, quality of drinking water, incidence of respiratory and skin ailments, food quality and accumulation of toxic chemicals in life forms.